Urgent Warning Against KoalaPays! Merchants Continue To Report Massiv Issues!

The Czech payment processor KoalaPays (PC42) seems to have massive issues. Whistleblowers have provided information saying that merchants have payout issues with regulated Czech e-money institution KoalaPays. One merchant provided a warning review and said that KoalaPays has been reported by several merchants to the competent regulator, the Czech National Bank. Here is an update

Key data

Trading name KoalaPays
Business segments high-risk payment processor merchant service provider
Domain www.koalapays.com
Legal entity Safe Payments Solutions s.r.o. (prev. Golden Anchor Ventures s.r.o.)
Jurisdiction Czech Republic
Authorization e-Money Institution
Regulator Czech National Bank (“CNB”)
Related individual Andrei Grati, Moldavia
Profile on PayCom42 yes (link)
Until the end of 2020, Safe Payments Solutions was also an agent of the FCAregulated EMI CFS-ZIPP Limited. According to some information from various forums, KoalaPays is likely to be a successor or spin-off of UPayCard, the former trading name of FCA-regulated Moorwand (PC42 profile).

Share information

If you have any information, feedback, or experience regarding KoalaPays, please let us have your review here. Alternatively, you can use our whistleblower system, Whistle42, to share information with us.
