
Web3Payment Infrastructure
  • Trading Name: Metamouse
  • Legal Entity: MetaMouse LTD/Altercap OÜ
  • Activities: Web3Payment Infrastructure
  • Location: Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tatari tn 56, 11415
  • Regulations: Regulated
  • Key People: Alexander Savy
  • Related Schemes: Banx21/Libernetix

Metamouse facilitates the payment of fiat bills with cryptocurrency for DAOs and other crypto-native Web3 organizations. Users can create payment requests specifying the amount, currency, and payment details, and pay using crypto.


Metamouse operates as a peer-to-peer payment service. Users fill out an invoice form, connect their wallets, and pay with ETH or USDT. Upon receiving the crypto, Metamouse’s trusted partners handle the actual payments, receiving 40% of the commissions for their services. The remaining commission is allocated towards Metamouse’s development. Currently, Metamouse partners with a limited group of verified individuals, with plans to expand community participation in the future.

Supported Crypto Payments:

  • Electricity and Gas Bills
  • Phone Bills
  • Tax Bills
  • Rent
  • Hotels and Villas Rentals
  • Any Type of Insurance
  • Airline Tickets
  • Many Others


  • Alexander Savy

Customer Review:

Trustpilot: 4 Stars with 4 Reviews


Metamouse is developed by the team, which operates as a licensed cryptocurrency exchange.

  • Altercap OÜ Reg. no: 14896187
  • Reg. address: Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tatari tn 56, 11415
  • Licence: FVT000323


Metamouse and its associated individuals exhibit no negative findings, with all necessary information provided. Hence, it receives a green rating in terms of compliance

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