
All-in One Solution

Key Data:

  • Trading Name: Libernetix
  • Legal Entity: Not provided
  • Activities: All-in-One Solution
  • Location: London
  • Regulations: Unregulated
  • Key People: Konstantin Margolis, Alexander Savy
  • Related Scheme: Banx21

Libernetix is an integrated payment solution, empowering businesses with seamless card acquiring, secure payment gateway, advanced analytics, anti-fraud measures, and intuitive merchant dashboards for enhanced operational efficiency.

Services Offered:

Libernetix provides an all-in-one payment tool aimed at facilitating seamless scalability for businesses. Their services encompass:

  • Card acquiring
  • Payment gateway
  • Analytics & Reporting
  • Anti-fraud system
  • Merchant dashboard

Regulatory Status:

There is no information available regarding Libernetix’s regulatory compliance. The lack of transparency regarding their regulatory status raises concerns regarding their adherence to industry standards and legal requirements.

Key Individuals:

Konstantin Margolis and Alexander Savy are associated with Libernetix.

Further details about their roles within the organization and their compliance responsibilities are not provided, adding to the opacity surrounding the company’s compliance framework.

Customer Review:

According to Trustpilot, Libernetix has received a rating of 4.2 stars based on 6 reviews. However, the limited number of reviews suggests a relatively low level of customer feedback, making it challenging to ascertain the overall satisfaction and reliability of their services.


In light of the missing crucial compliance information such as legal entity, regulatory licenses, and the relatively low number of customer reviews, Libernetix is rated as RED in this compliance profile. The absence of essential compliance data and limited customer feedback raises significant concerns regarding the company’s transparency, regulatory compliance, and overall trustworthiness. Businesses should exercise caution when engaging with Libernetix until further information regarding their compliance status and customer satisfaction is available.

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