Unregulated Payment solutions

Key Data

  • Trading Name: BILLMONT
  • Legal Entity: BILLMONT LIMITED
  • Activities: Cross-border payments 
  • Location: Hong Kong
  • Regulations: not given 

BILLMONT is a company that provides cross-border payments to businesses around the world, based in Hong Kong


Their global payment solution is available through a simple integration and offers a wealth of features, including global alternative payment methods, fraud and risk management, eWallet solutions, and performance optimization.

Their payment service includes:

  • virtual payment
  • self-payment
  • WEB API connection
  • link payment
  • banner payment
  • continuous payment

Its services are available in 196 countries and 164 currencies, and they accept almost every payment method worldwide.

BILLMONT does not disclose specifics about which business they serve, but on Linkedin, employees have indicated that they are responsible for high-risk merchants like Forex in the company.


  • The company does not disclose information about its pricing model.


We did not find any irregularities around the company, however, they have no internet presence or customer reviews, which can be a risk-free indicator.
Therefore, we place BILLMONT on our “Orange Compliance” list.

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