Introducing the High-Risk Payment Processors Report

High-risk payment processors (#HRPP) are a pivotal part of the new world of cyberfinance. They live in the shadow of the much applauded and admired FinTech universe with companies like Revolut, Monzo, Starling Bank, or N26 at its center. HRPPs are looking for that shadow as the gray area where they unfold their business models and make their money by offering payment services to companies in the so-called high-risk area and far too often in the illegal space.

High-risk businesses operate in an industry qualified as “high risk” by the credit card processor or that have a significant risk associated with the business model. Typically, a high-risk business is considered too risky for traditional financial institutions and major credit card companies to allow you access to their services.

HRPPs move across country borders and jurisdictions have the best contacts with offshore banks, the crypto industry, and the hacker scene. The services offered by HRPPs are not always compatible with applicable laws and regulations in all jurisdictions. For the risk that HRPPs take, they charge relatively high commissions from their clients (a/k/a merchants).

In many cases, HRPPs act dubiously or even as scammers themselves. There are many known cases where HRPPs rip off their customers, withhold money contrary to their terms or agreements, or even extort money. Due to the nature of their business, high-risk customers have difficulty claiming their rights through lawsuits or the courts. HRPPs know this in many cases.

The High-Risk Payment Processors Report, produced by FinTelegram and its partners, aims to provide transparency and evaluation of the entire scene as well as its participants.

We enable payment processor customers to submit ratings and reviews and thus have a voice when dealing with them.       
