
Brazilian payment solutions provider

Pagsmile is a company that specializes in payment methods that facilitate access to international products for customers in Latin America. Pagsmile addresses high-risk gaming, entertainment, e-commerce, and finance segments.

The company’s platform provides payment solutions for international merchants to sell online to millions of consumers worldwide, alternative local payment methods, remittance solutions, and electronic wallets that enable businesses to give customers around the world full control of their money.

PagSmile also allows you to make remittances via mobile and internet banking, which are supported by the country’s four largest banking institutions.

The company was founded in 2016 by Liu Di (Linkedin) and has integrated over 100 local payment gateways, with offices in Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Argentina, and Portugal.

There are no significant concerns around Pagsmile, but the company fails to provide important compliance data, such as the lack of a license or legal entity in Brazil and various other countries, and there are no customer reviews despite the company’s size and prominence.

Therefore, we include Pagsmile in our “Orange Compliance” list.

1 review

  1. Great

    I would like to play games that payout like the ones yall paid me for

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