
Open banking service

Key Data

  • Trading Name: Noda
  • Legal Entity: Naudapay Limited
    Noda Pay, UAB
  • Activities: open banking services
  • Location: United Kingdom
  • Regulations: regulated by the FCA as a payment service provider
  • Key People: Lasma Kuhtarska

Noda is a platform for providing open banking services from personal financial management to online payments for e-commerce. Noda Pay is backed by Social Discovery Ventures (SDVentures), an international holding company and investment fund for technology companies offering social discovery platforms. Noda is fully available to users in the UK and EU and is regulated by the FCA as a payment service provider write the updated information about the company – Noda is a global open banking platform that assists online merchants with challenges such as end-user KYC, Payment processing, LTV forecasting, and UX optimization. It currently partners with 1,650 banks across 28 countries, spanning over 30,000 bank branches.


They are providing the full range of services:

  • End-users KYC
  • Payments processing
  • LTV forecasting, and UX optimization, using innovative Open Banking technologies, therefore it is mostly beneficial for the industries which are regulated and obliged to implement strict onboarding, monitoring, and financial procedures.
  • Regulated industries are also considered as a Higher Risk – cryptocurrencies, online gaming, travel, finance.

They  are working both directly with merchants and renting the technologies to other financial institutions as white label


Controlled by: Lasma Kuhtarska 

Noda originated by Lasma in 2019 within SDVentures start-up incubator, and later during the 2021Q4-2023Q1 it was allocated into separate legal structure and fully bought out by Lasma.


NaudaPay has held the FCA license as a payment institution since October 2019.


We could not identify any irregularities around the company and include them in our “Green Compliance” list.

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