A Global Payment owned by gambling celebrities

EMP CORP SA is the operator of the payment platform www.empcorp.com has been registered in Luxembourg since November 2013 with the number B181670 with the business purpose of e-money processing. The company’s shares are held by G&F SA (B181619) and CRANBERRY SA (B185110), which are also registered in Luxembourg.

According to Gilles Moro, the company’s CEO, they processed a transaction volume of € 300 million and a team of 45 people in 2019, targeting half a billion in 2021 (read the interview).

The beneficial owners and managers are listed in the table below:



Gilles MORO Morten KLEIN
Jean Jacques BEYNAUD  

Gilles MORO (LinkedIn) has vast experience in the high-risk payment space. He was the founder of Ticket Surf International (TSI France) extensive experience as a payment processor in the gambling sector. Behind EMP CORP is Norwegian poker player and gambling investor Morten Klein (pictured right) of the well-known Klein Group AS (www.kleingroup.no).

EMP CORP‘s main solution was and still is ePro, an online payment gateway for high-risk merchants. ePro was also offered as a white-label solution for e-commerce websites. Through ePro, registered merchants could sell vouchers, a very popular payment method in the gambling industry and a standard tool for money laundering. Already in the summer of 2015, EMP Corp processed more than €20 million per month through ePro, our documents say.

EMP CORP also acted as an agent for FCA-registered payment institution Kalixa (now PXP Financial) from 2015. In 2015, a MasterCard prepaid cart branded CBlib was created in partnership with Wirecard.

Akce Group, the FCA-regulated TechtoPay (formerly Bureau Solutions Limited d/b/a Clearsettle), and other companies affiliated with online gambling and fintech tycoon Ozan Ozerk have worked with EMP CORP.

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