
Anonymous e-payment company

Key Data

  • Trading Name: ZoftPay
  • Legal Entity: not given
  • Activities:  e-payment company
  • Regulations: none
  • Key People: not given

ZoftPay is a digital e-payment company based in the United Kingdom that offers an all-in-one payment solution.


ZoftPay serves as a merchant service provider and offers payment processing solutions including.

Their service includes:

  • Credit Card Payments
  • Direct Debit / FPX Payment
  • Mobile Payments
  • Crypto Payments

Payouts will be in USD


They accept merchants globally, specialized in offering services to high-risk as well as low-risk merchants operating in:

  • Merchant Acquiring
  • Forex
  • Cross Border Payments
  • Crypto Exchange
  • Instant Settlement
  • Cross Border Banking
  • Payout Network
  • Remittance
  • E-commerce


  • Gateway fee – per transaction
  • Fraud scrubbing costs – per transaction
  • Refund – incurred fee, where applicable
  • Chargeback – incurred fee, where applicable
  • Statement and wire fee – per payout.
  • Setup fee – lump Sum (will be deducted from the merchant’s first payout)

Compliance Problems

The company does not disclose any compliance technical or corporate data about itself. The legal entity, social media channels, and background persons (founder, owner & manager) are missing.


There are no customer reviews on the world wide web, the company only appears on various gaming and online betting sites


Due to the missing data and the low web presence, we classify the company in our “Red Compliance

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