
FCA-authorized payment institution

TransferGo is a payment service provider headquartered in the United Kingdom with an office in Lithuania. TransferGo is regulated by the UK FCA as an authorized payment institution and by the Bank of Lithuania as an e-Money Institution. The venture was established in 2012 by Justinas Laseviciu, Daumantas Dvilinskas, Arnas Lukosevicius, and Edvinas Sersniovas.

TransferGo provides international money transfer services for personal and business customers from most countries in Europe. It supports transfers to over 65 countries, making payouts in local currencies.

They offer multi-currency accounts, account managers, travel cards, risk management tools, and enhanced accounting integration.

Depending on where the recipient lives, you may transfer funds to Visa and Mastercard cards. Card-to-card transfers are particularly handy if you have a foreign credit card and need to pay off a balance.

We have not identified any complaints or issues around TransferGo and consequently include it in our “Green Compliance” list.

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