Online Credit Card & Asia local Payment Solutions

Key Data

  • Trading Name:
  • Legal Entity: not given
  • Activities: Payments Gateway 
  • Location: New Zealand
  • Regulations: none
  • Key People: not given

They are a payments gateway company with a specialty in providing high risk merchants with alternative payment methods in Asia and currently our methods cover Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Japan, and China.


Their service includes:

  • South East Asia Online Bank Transfer
  • Online Credit Card Payment Solutions
  • Cryptocurrency Payment Solution


not given


High-Risk: primarily focuses on serving high-risk industries, with a particular emphasis on Forex and crypto broker


It is worth noting that operates without specific regulatory oversight, which raises concerns about the level of compliance and consumer protection measures in place.


Nothing is known about the background persons of and also the management team is not known.

Customer review

At the time of this review, there are no available customer reviews or testimonials for The absence of customer feedback makes it challenging to assess the company’s reputation and the quality of their services.

Conclusion offers high-risk payment gateway services, targeting international merchants with a focus on gaming and gambling industries. However, the lack of licensing and legal entity information, limited customer reviews, and absence of specific fee details raise concerns about the transparency and reliability of the company.

Therefore we rate them on Black.

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