Nexway Group

E-commerce and digital marketing solutions

Key Data

  • Trading Name: Nexway  (previously asknet)
  • Legal Entity: Nexway SASU
  • Activities: E-commerce and digital marketing solutions
  • Location: France/USA/Swiss
  • Key People:  Victor Iezuitov and Casey Potenzone

Nexway is a technology company that provides e-commerce and digital marketing solutions for software and video game publishers. While they do offer payment processing services as part of their e-commerce platform, it’s important to note that they are not primarily a credit card processor in the traditional sense.


Nexway’s e-commerce platform does support credit card payments as one of the payment options for customers, but the company works with third-party payment service providers to process these transactions.

The platform is designed to handle all aspects of the payment process, including:

  • authorization
  • capture
  • settlement
  • reconciliation.

Nexway’s payment processing solutions are designed to be secure and compliant with relevant regulations, such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). The platform provides various security features, such as:

  • encryption
  • tokenization
  • fraud detection tools, to protect customers’ sensitive information
  • Subscription & Billing

Overall, Nexway’s payment processing solutions are part of its broader e-commerce platform, which is designed to help software and game publishers sell their products online. While credit card processing is one of the payment options offered, the company is primarily focused on providing a comprehensive e-commerce solution that includes catalog management, payment processing, and customer support.

Compliance Problems

In 2023 the US Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission will collect $650,000 in consumer redress from Nexway Group and its officers Victor Iezuitov and Casey Potenzone for accepting and facilitating scam operators. Nexway processed credit card payments for foreign clients that committed telemarketing fraud via tech support scams, violating the FTC Act and the Telemarketing Sales Rule. Nexway has agreed to court orders prohibiting them from payment laundering and requiring them to monitor high-risk clients for illegal activity closely. The complaint alleges that Nexway helped clients open and use merchant accounts to process credit card charges for scamming consumers. Nexway processed the consumers’ credit card charges and received a commission for each charge. The government also asserts that Nexway engaged in “credit card laundering” by allowing its clients to use Nexway’s credit card merchant accounts for their scams.


Nexway serves various industries, including software, video games, e-learning, and digital media.


Headquartered in Paris – La Défense, France, with subsidiaries in Katowice – Poland, San Francisco – USA, Uster – Switzerland, Tokyo – Japan, and offices in Nîmes – France, and Milan – Italy.


Due to their involvement in money laundering and related penalties, we are placing Nexway on our Red compliance list.

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