
Payment Provider

Key Data

  • Trading Name: Pocopay
  • Legal Entity: AS Pocopay
  • Activities: Payment bank
  • Location: Tallinn, Estonia
  • Regulations: fully licensed payment institution registered in Estonia
  • Key People: Linnar Viik, Indrek Neivelt and Tea Trahov 

Pocopay is a new-generation payment bank where all activities are handled through a mobile app.

Established in 2014 by Linnar Viik, Indrek Neivelt and Tea Trahov Pocopay is a fully licensed payment institution registered in Estonia.


The company’s mobile banking app allows users to set up personalized bank accounts, manage monthly budgets and make online payments by connecting sellers with credit or debit card providers.

By managing the app, users can change their own card limits and block and reopen their cards.

Today, it is possible to open a Pocopay account in Estonia, the Netherlands, Spain and Finland, and in the near future in other European countries.

Pocopay is also working to allow parents to open accounts for their under-18 children. ‘


  • No transaction fees
  • monthly fee of 2.90 euros
  • up to 30 interbank payments per month are also free.


Currently, the company is changing its product line and has ceased operations.


We rate Pocopay on Green as we could not find anything negative but will put it on our WATCHLIST until they have resumed activities.

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