Card Saver

Payment processing provider

Key Data

  • Trading Name: Card Saver
  • Legal Entity: Card Saver Limited
  • Activities: Payment processing provider
  • Location: UK
  • Regulations: Authorised and Regulated by the FCA.
  • Key People: Andy Pilley

Card Saver is a card payment processing provider in the United Kingdom, known for its rapid growth. The company takes pride in its commitment to utilizing cutting-edge payment industry technology, including offering contactless payment options, Apple Pay, and Android Pay as standard features. Card Saver’s overarching mission is to provide customers with a wide range of choices, enhanced value, and unparalleled service. By striving to become the preferred provider of card payment solutions, Card Saver aims to establish itself as a leader in the industry.


Card Saver provides online payment solutions for businesses. It features solutions to provide payment card terminals, cash advance, payment gateway, phone payment with virtual terminals, pay by link, and more. It also offers PCI compliance solutions for risk management and fraud detection

Their main service includes:

  • Cash Advance
  • E-Commerce Payment Page
  • Pay By Link
  • Virtual Terminal
  • FanPay


ts pricing is available on quote based model.


  • E-commerce
  • Marketplaces

Customer review

Trustpilot 4.4 stars with 2,630 reviews

Google Review 3.1 stars with 359 reviews



From the customer’s point of view, the company has no problems, all the necessary data is available, customer ratings are good and there is also a regulation.
However, due to the problems the founder and owner has with the authorities, we rate them ORANGE from a compliance point of view.



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