
Crypto Ecosystem

Jobchain is a non-profit blockchain organization responsible for developing an ecosystem that connects employers and employees at all times.

Users can find jobs anywhere while earning a salary in cryptocurrency way via an all-in-one app.

It is a meeting point where users can find jobs or hire other Jobchain users with the advantages and freedom of trading physical assets or hiring services instantly while getting paid in cryptocurrency.

The Jobchain ecosystem consists of a multi-currency wallet, including but not limited to Bitcoin, Ethereum, and JOB; an identity wallet with all information about the user and the market for goods and services. A Jobchain user can hire or be hired instantly and choose the currency in which they receive their salary or payments.

Jobchain has its own token, JOB, which has been verified by Certik. JOB token holders benefit from perks and rewards, e.g. the best JOB token holders and highest rated users receive a range of rewards within the Jobchain ecosystem, such as cashback, discounts, etc.

The company was founded 2019 by Jose Bay and is headquartered in Vienna.

Due to the events around FTX and the Bitcoin market, we downgrade all Crypto Exchanges and companies on our Platform to Orange, due to increased risk

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