
FCA-regulated E-Money Institution with restrictions

Key Data

  • Trading Name: Dzing
  • Legal Entity: Dzing Finance Ltd, Dzing Finance Group Limited, Dzing Technologies Ltd
  • Activities: Payment processor, technology provider
  • Location: UK, Ireland, Cyprus
  • Regulations: FCA-regulated EMI
  • Key People: Tatjana Orlova, Mikhail Nadel

Dzing is an FCA-regulated E-Money Institution (EMI) and a financial technology services provider controlled by Dzing Finance Group Limited, registered in Ireland, and DEKIBA Trading FZE, registered in Dubai. Tatjana Orlova and Mikhail Nadel are registered as directors and shareholders in the Irish entity. Orlova is also the controlling person of the Cyprus registered technology company Dzing Technologies Ltd.

The Dzing Offering

The Dzing Group is both a financial and technology provider offering its services through various legal entities in different jurisdictions:

  • Dzing offers accounts and payment services for individuals and merchants. The offer also includes prepaid cards from MasterCard.
  • In addition, Dzing also offers technologies and white-label solutions for other (potential) FinTechs and payment processors.


High Risk: Casinos, Gambling, Sports betting, Exchangers


Dzing is an EMI regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) under reference number 900993.

A review by the regulator found that Dzing had been heavily involved as a payment processor for scams and illegal transactions. As a result, Dzing has not been allowed to onboard new customers since October 27, 2023 until further notice and also has other restrictions.


information not provided on the website


Tatjana Orlova and Mikhail Nadel are registered as directors and shareholders in the Irish Dzing Financial Group Limited, which controls the FCA-regulated entity. Orlova is the controlling person of the Dzing Group.

Customer review

On Trustpilot, Dzing has a rating of 1.6 stars and a corresponding Bad Trust Level. This rating corresponds to a scam rating; customers feel cheated or taken advantage of.

Compliance Check

Based on the results of the FCA’s investigation and the restrictions imposed on EMI, we are placing Dzing on our Red Compliance List and advise merchants to exercise the utmost caution.

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