
High Risk Payment Provider

 Key Data

  • Trading Name: Payspace
  • Legal Entity: SIA Payspace
  • Activities: Payment Service Provider
  • Location: Latvia
  • Regulations: unregulated
  • Key People: not given

PaySpaceLV is a payment service provider based in Latvia, specializing in high-risk merchant accounts and payment processing solutions


The company offers a wide range of services, including credit card and debit card processing, alternative payment methods (such as PayPal, Bitcoin, and various international options), and e-commerce integrations with popular platforms like WooCommerce and PrestaShop.

PaySpaceLV offers a suite of services designed for various industries, particularly high-risk sectors. These services include:

  1. Credit Card and Debit Card Processing: Acceptance of major credit cards and international payments in multiple currencies.
  2. Alternative Payment Methods: Options like PayPal, Bitcoin, and other global payment methods.
  3. E-Commerce Integrations: Compatibility with popular shopping carts, CRMs, and APIs.
  4. Security Features: Chargeback prevention, fraud detection, PCI-DSS compliance, and advanced security tools.
  5. White Label Payment Gateway: Customizable payment solutions for businesses.

Serving Industries

PaySpaceLV serves a diverse range of industries, particularly focusing on those considered high-risk. Key sectors include:

  1. E-commerce: Online retail businesses, subscription services, and digital goods.
  2. Adult Entertainment: Websites and services related to adult content.
  3. Gaming and Gambling: Online casinos, sports betting, and fantasy sports.
  4. Forex and Binary Options: Financial trading services.
  5. Nutraceuticals: Sales of dietary supplements and health products.
  6. Travel and Hospitality: Booking services and travel agencies.
  7. Cryptocurrency: Bitcoin and other digital currency transactions.


PaySpaceLV is not regulated or licensed by any financial regulator. While it provides a range of payment processing services, it does not hold certifications or oversight from official financial regulatory bodies. This information should be taken into consideration by potential users when assessing the company’s services and credibility.

Customer Review

Trustpilot: 2,7 Stars with 20+ Reviews (Poor)


The key personnel at PaySpaceLV are not publicly disclosed. Information about the company’s leadership, including specific names and roles, is not available on their official website or in public domain sources.

Conclusion and Rating

We rate PaySpaceLV on RED due to the absence of essential information about their key personnel and regulatory status. Additionally, the company has received negative customer reviews, citing issues with withheld funds, unprofessional service, and unmet service promises. Despite some positive feedback, these factors significantly impact their overall credibility and reliability.

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