Payment Aggregator Platform

 Key Data

  • Trading Name: OMNO
  • Legal Entity: not given
  • Activities: Payment Aggregator Platform
  • Location: Tbilisi, Georgia 
  • Regulations: unregulated
  • Key People: Kakha (Vakhtang) Gelashvili

OMNO is a platform designed to streamline online payment processing by aggregating various Payment Service Providers (PSPs) into a single system.


OMNO offers a unified payment processing solution by consolidating multiple Payment Service Providers (PSPs) into one system. This platform aims to enhance transaction success rates, provide real-time analytics, and simplify payment integrations.

Key features include:

  • centralized management
  • customizable reporting
  • customer profiling, and fraud prevention tools.

OMNO also focuses on providing a dynamic dashboard for business insights and ensuring secure, PCI DSS-compliant transactions.


OMNO is not regulated by any major financial authority, which is concerning. This lack of oversight can expose users to increased risks regarding transaction security and operational integrity. Regulatory oversight is essential for ensuring strict standards for security and customer protection, and its absence can undermine trust and reliability in the platform. Potential users should carefully consider these risks when evaluating OMNO for their payment processing needs.

Legal Entity

The OMNO website does not provide easily accessible information regarding the company’s legal entity, such as an imprint or commercial register details, on the main page.


Kakha (Vakhtang) Gelashvili, CEO of Omno

He co-founded PAYZE, a fintech startup aimed at simplifying payment processes for businesses in Georgia and beyond. PAYZE has been instrumental in driving digital payment solutions and improving financial inclusivity in the region.

Customer Review

There are no customer reviews available online, making it difficult to gauge user satisfaction and trustworthiness. This lack of feedback and regulatory oversight raises potential risks regarding transaction security and overall reliability. Potential users should carefully consider these factors when evaluating OMNO for their payment processing needs.


After thorough evaluation, we are assigning OMNO a red rating. This decision is primarily based on two critical factors:

1. Lack of Customer Reviews: There is a notable absence of comprehensive customer reviews on major platforms, which raises concerns about the company’s widespread acceptance and reliability. While a few positive reviews exist, they are insufficient to establish a robust track record.

2. Insufficient Compliance Information: OMNO Payments has not provided detailed information regarding its compliance measures and the regulatory authorities overseeing its operations. This lack of transparency and documentation on regulatory adherence prevents a reliable assessment of the company’s trustworthiness and security standards.

Without extensive customer feedback and clear regulatory information, the risk for potential customers and partners remains too high.

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