Brite Payments

Account-to-Account Payment Provider

Key Data

  • Trading Name: Brite Payments
  • Legal Entity: Brite Payments AB
  • Activities: Provides instant payment solutions, enabling direct bank payments for online transactions across various industries including e-commerce, travel, and financial services.
  • Location: Primarily based in Stockholm, Sweden, with operations across the European Economic Area (EEA).
  • Regulations: licensed payment institution supervised by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority, Finansinspektionen. Brite AB provides payment services in accordance with the Swedish Act.
  • Key People: Lena Hackeloer/Bo Liljefors/Fredrik Strömqvist

Brite Payments is an emerging financial technology company that focuses on providing instant payment solutions across Europe,based in Stockholm and operating in 25 markets across Europe.


Brite Payments offers seamless integration for merchants to facilitate instant bank payments directly from consumers’ bank accounts, enhancing the checkout process with a focus on speed, security, and user experience.

Their service includes:

  • Direct Bank Payments
  • PSD2 and Open Banking Integration
  • Multi-Country and Multi-Currency Support
  • Payouts
  • Payments


Brite AB (Company ID: 559116-1632) is a licensed payment institution supervised by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority, Finansinspektionen. Brite AB provides payment services in accordance with the Swedish Payment Services Act (2010:751) and Directive (EU) 2015/2366 (PSD2) of the European Parliament and of the Council on payment services in the internal market and is authorised to provide payment services throughout the EU/EES upon notification.

Serving Industries

Brite Payments caters to a wide range of industries, including e-commerce, travel, gaming, and financial services. The versatility of its payment solutions allows it to meet the specific needs of each sector, offering tailored features that address industry-specific challenges and requirements.

Customer Review

Brite Payments’ online reputation is generally positive, with emphasis on its user-friendly payment solutions and reliable customer service.

Google: 4,8 Stars with 30+ Reviews

Conclusion and Rating

Brite Payments stands out as a strong player in the instant payment solutions sector, with a clear commitment to compliance, security, and customer satisfaction. Its adherence to European regulatory standards positions it well within the competitive landscape of fintech services.

Based on the available information and considering the outlined factors such as regulatory compliance, market reputation, operational strategies, and customer feedback, Brite Payments is assigned a Green rating in our compliance color rating system. This rating signifies that Brite Payments is compliant with existing regulatory requirements, demonstrates robust AML/CFT practices, and maintains effective internal controls and customer due diligence processes.

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