HighISK is the trading name of the UK-registered entity Top End Trade Limited Additionally, HighISK LLC, and Pure Wallet Limited are mentioned as related entities on the website.

Top End Trade Limited is a real estate company founded in January 2022 in the UK and controlled by the British Adam Arthur. He also confirms his activity as CEO of HighISK on his LinkedIn profile. We would like to know more.

We have discovered HighISK at scam broker FinexTrader as a facilitating payment processor. FinexTrader is operated by Finex Group Ltd, a UK-registered entity that is part of the Latvian Racket.HighISK is believed to have been active on the market for only a few weeks. Top End Trade Limited was only founded in January 2022 by Brit Mohammed Khalid Raja with a share capital of €100. He resigned from the company in April 2021 and was replaced by British citizen Adam Arthur as director and beneficial owner. Knowing the UK Companies House and its relaxed rules, we know that the identity of Adam Arthur is not checked in the process. So it may as well be a fictitious person. His LinkedIn account also looks somehow like a fake profile. We include HighISK in our “Black Compliance” list and recommend merchants to stay far away.

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