Singapore Launches Cosmic Platform to Combat Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing

In a significant move to bolster its defense against financial crimes, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has introduced a pioneering centralized digital platform named Cosmic. This platform is specifically designed to enable financial institutions to share customer information effectively, aiming to curb money laundering and terrorism financing. The launch of Cosmic marks a critical step forward in Singapore’s efforts to maintain its status as a well-regulated and trusted global financial hub.

Cosmic, developed by MAS in collaboration with six major banks – DBS, OCBC, UOB, Citibank, HSBC, and Standard Chartered – serves as the platform’s inaugural users, setting the stage for a more comprehensive adoption across the financial sector. The collaboration underscores the collective commitment of Singapore’s banking sector to combat financial crimes.

The platform operates under strict guidelines to ensure customer privacy and data security. Financial institutions participating in Cosmic are permitted to share customer information only when certain “objectively defined” red flags are detected. These red flags are indicative of activities or behaviors that may be associated with money laundering or terrorism financing, thus triggering the need for closer scrutiny.

Cosmic focuses its information-sharing efforts on three main areas of financial crime risks: the misuse of legal persons, the misuse of trade finance for illicit purposes, and proliferation financing. By concentrating on these key risk areas, the platform aims to provide a targeted and effective response to the complex challenges of financial crime.

Loo Siew Yee, Assistant Managing Director at MAS, emphasized the importance of the platform, stating, “This will strengthen Singapore’s capabilities to uphold our reputation as a well-regulated and trusted financial centre.” The initiative reflects Singapore’s proactive stance in adopting innovative technologies and collaborative frameworks to enhance its financial crime prevention measures.

The introduction of the Cosmic platform is expected to facilitate a more seamless and efficient exchange of critical information among financial institutions. This, in turn, will enable quicker identification and response to potential financial crime threats, further securing Singapore’s financial ecosystem against illicit activities.

As the platform evolves, its success will depend on the active participation and cooperation of all stakeholders within the financial industry. With the backing of MAS and the initial group of participating banks, Cosmic sets a new benchmark for collaborative efforts in the fight against money laundering and terrorism financing, not just in Singapore but as a model for other countries to emulate.
