High-risk payment processor

The unregulated and unregistered high-risk payment processor VIPPass is allegedly operated via Fit Avenue S.A. in Panama and Sirius Technology Services Inc. in Canada. However, the terms published on the payment processor’s website do not provide any information on these legal entities and the applicable jurisdictions.

The website does not offer any links to social media accounts and gives no rates for the offered services, which include credit card processing and ACH payments.

We have received complaints from VIPPass merchants claiming that the payment processor freezes funds with fake chargeback claims.

The missing information and complaints result in a listing on our “Red Compliance” list.

1 review

  1. Scammers

    agreed, it is a scam. They claim they have a contact at a bank which offers miscoded solutions but Panama is a high -risk jurisdiction and this company is registered as a local company without any relevant licenses, so if they disappear with the client money, there is no way to track them down.

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