
High-Risk payment processor for Japan and South Korea

Key Data

  • Trading Name: SumoPay
  • Legal Entity: SumuPay Co Ltd
  • Activities: high-risk processor
  • Location: United Kingdom, Japan
  • Regulations: none
  • Key People: Kevin Ring

SumoPay is a high-risk processor focused on merchants doing business in Japan and other Asian jurisdictions. Credentials about the legal entities behind the payment processor are not provided.

The company’s CEO is Kevin Ring, a US citizen based in New York. 


SumoPay is focused on online gambling and sports betting and claims on its website that 145 million transactions are made daily through its payment gateway API. In addition to credit and debit cards, bank transfers are also offered to merchants as a payment option.

Compliance Problems

SumoPay does not provide links to the social media accounts of involved persons on its website. This is common for the high-risk payment sector unless they work with fake profiles like the iPayTotal Group with OpenUp.Finance, Paypound, Payomatix, or Hawex.

Whistleblowers said that consumer payments to Asian gaming platforms appear to be manipulated (recoded) and presented as payments for consumer goods. Recoding or relabeling high-risk payment processes is a well-known (and illegal) approach.


Sumopay has closed its website

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