
Connecting High Risk Businesses with Reliable Payment Provider

   Key Data

  • Trading Name: PaymentFinder
  • Legal Entity: Vikingbond OÜ
  • Activities: Connecting High Risk Businesses with Reliable Payment Provider
  • Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
  • Regulations: not needed 
  • Key People: Rustam Mustafaiev

PaymentFinder is Connecting High Risk Businesses with Reliable Payment Provide


Payment Finder works with an extensive network of various brokers and payment processors on a global scale. Their team of consultants consists of experts in their respective fields, who have direct or indirect access to numerous merchant account providers and acquiring banks.Their services to you free of charge

Their main task is to find and connect high risk industiy merchants with the most suitable payment processing company tailored to their specific business needs.


High-Risk Sectors:

CBD, Adult Entertainment, Nutraceuticals, iGaming


It is worth mentioning that RIVAPAY operates without any special regulatory supervision, but since they are only an intermediary and do not offer any money service themselves, regulation is not necessary.

Customer review

Regrettably, no customer reviews or feedback pertaining to the company have been sourced thus far.


Rustam Mustafaiev: Board Member 


We could not find any irregularities around PaymentFinder and all compliance technical data is given, however due to lack of customer reviews, we rate it ORANGE to be on the safe side.

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