
Key Data

  • Trading Name: Payhound (former Moneybite)
  • Legal Entity: Payhound Limited
  • Activities: Crypto Payment Processor
  • Location: Malta
  • Regulations: licensed by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) and is a holder of a Class 3 VFA License under the Virtual Financial Assets Act of 2018.
  • Key People: David Kicks, Co-Founder (Linkedin)

Payhound provides a diverse range of Crypto Payment Processing solutions meticulously crafted to seamlessly and expeditiously transmute cryptocurrency payments into conventional fiat currencies.


Their service includes:

  • Cross Border Payments
  • Payouts
  • Real Time Payments
  • Cross-border Payments
  • Invoice Payments
  • Online Payments
  • Payment Gateway


not given


Low To High risk

  • Crypto
  • E-commerce
  • Financial Services
  • Gambling
  • Gaming
  • Hospitality
  • Marketplaces
  • Travel


They are licensed by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) and is a holder of a Class 3 VFA License under the Virtual Financial Assets Act of 2018.


David Kicks, Co-Founder (Linkedin)

Customer review

At the time of this review, there are no available customer reviews or testimonials for Payhound. The absence of customer feedback makes it challenging to assess the company’s reputation and the quality of their services.


We could not find anything negative about Payhound and their manager, however due to lack of customer reviews we rate them ORANGE.

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