
Payment provider

Key Data

  • Trading Name: Pay.
  • Legal Entity: PAYCOMCY LIMITED, US, Inc
  • Activities: Payment Institution
  • Location: Cyprus
  • Regulations: PayCom US has an acquiring relationship with Cross River Bank
  • Key People: Teddy Sagi and Tom Vakninand (Linkedin)

Pay. is a FinTech startup that aims to make accepting and executing payments around the globe easier, more reliable, and more secure for the e-commerce industry.

The company was founded in 2020 by Teddy Sagi and Tom Vakninand (Linkedin) and is currently expanding with five global offices focused on online payments and the digital economy.

Teddy Sagi is an Israeli billionaire businessman based in London and Cyprus. Sagi is the founder of the gambling software company Playtech and owner of London’s Camden Market. His personal wealth is estimated at US$5 billion, with interests in real estate, gambling software, payments processing, and digital advertising.

The company employs 45 people and received a $100 million loan from Sagi to make acquisitions.

According to its projections, the company is expected to process $4 billion transactions by the end of 2022.


With Pay., merchants can offer their customers the flexibility to use their favorite online payment methods without sacrificing their favorite options.

The technology developed by the company enables complete automation for online merchants – from the moment the merchant searches Google for a suitable payment platform for their business (e.g., Paypal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Skrill, Klarna, and Paysafecard), through their testing, identification and verification process, to underwriting.

The solution is designed so that the merchant can focus on selling goods and growing his business without wasting his time on the payment process and everything related to it.

With Pay., merchants can accept various payment methods, from credit and debit cards to ACH transfers, and digital wallets like PayPay, Google Pay, Apple Pay, and many more!


Pay. comes with prebuilt plugins which you can use to save time and grow your business. Pay also integrates deeply with popular eCommerce platforms like WooCommerce and Magento (aka Adobe Commerce). Plenty more eCommerce integrations, like Shopify and others, are on the card, as per the Pay officials.

Business types is targeting to become an all-in-one payment solution for businesses of all types. Pay can cover everything, no matter what kind of business you run — online or offline, b2b or b2c, freelancing, or outsourcing.


  • does not disclose its pricing model


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