
Israeli-Cyprus payment gateway provider

Key Data

  • Trading Name: Coriunder
  • Legal Entity: Coriunder Limited
  • Activities: Payment gateway provider & white label payment service provider
  • Location: Israel&Cyprus
  • Key People: Eliad Saporta (LinkedIn)

Coriunder is a payment gateway provider (“Backend-as-a-Service”) and a white-label payment service provider powered by Coriunder Limited (OpenCorporate), which is registered in Israel under the number HE353958.

The company’s founder and CEO is the Israeli Eliad Saporta (LinkedIn) in Israel, where the actual operations are located.

Similar to BridgerPay (PR42 profile) and Praxis Cashier (PR42 profile), which are based in Cyprus, Coriander’s official location is the same. However, most employees connected to Coriunder on LinkedIn list Israel as their location.


Coriunder BAAS is a management system software that is payment oriented. It helps with merchant management without building a backend system from the beginning. The software provides a quicker and more secure foundation to initiate a startup.

The admin interface is the prime feature that manages all the activities of the enterprise. Besides, the MCP (Merchant Control panel) allows merchants visibility and control over all the activities while using Coriunder BAAS MCP. The merchants can create product pages and landing pages along with monitoring transactions.

The PCP (Partner Control Panel) is another key feature of this software that helps maintain full transparency with the business partners. Moreover, it allows the enterprises to allow their affiliates to inspect the activities.


We have not found any severe complaints about Coriunder and thus included it in our “Green Compliance” list.

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