Unregulated PSP

Key Data

  • Trading Name: Bespoke Payments
  • Legal Entity: Bespoke Payments Ltd
  • Activities: paytech solutions (on/offline)
  • Authorization: no authorization
  • Location: United Kingdom
  • Key People: Chris Donnachie (founder)

Bespoke Payments is a payments service provider based in London, UK. The company was founded in 2016 by Chris Donnachie (Linkedin), who also has management and control over the company.

The Offering:

Bespoke Payments provides a one-stop store for payment processing solutions in-store and online. Their service includes:

  • mPOS solution
  • ePOS solution
  • payment link
  • virtual terminal,
  • more than 200 processing currencies
  • integrations with e-commerce platforms
  • Real-time fraud check
  • Recurring payments

Besides the payment solutions, they offer an artificial intelligent payment fraud prevention system to control and manage all aspects of risk management.

At this point, unfortunately, the company doesn’t provide any information about its pricing or its regulation.


BESPOKE PAYMENTS does not have any customer reviews, nor does it have a large online presence. As a result, it is difficult to say from a merchant’s point of view whether this is a reputable provider.

Due to this and the absence of a license, we place BESPOKE PAYMENTS in our “Orange Compliance” list.

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