LATAM High-risk payment processor

Key Data

  • Trading Name: AirTM
  • Legal Entity: AirTM Inc., AirTM Ltd
  • Activities: high-risk payment processor
  • Location: Hong Kong, Mexico
  • Regulations: FinCEN registered Money Services Business
  • Key People: Joshua Kliot, Rubén Gsp, Luna Prada, Miguel Valencia, Antonio Garcia, Jorge Ruiz, Ruben Galindo, Tim Parsa

The Offering

AirTM operates a payment platform with more than 400 payment options. The LATAM jurisdictions and merchants in these jurisdictions are the primary target group.

The AirTM website does not provide any information about the conditions.


AirTM is a FinCEN-registered Money Services Business (MBS). The website makes all required disclosures. We have not found any significant complaints about AirTM and have placed the paytech on our Green Compliance List.


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