Cyprus-based PayTech Praxis Offers Jobs Including Relocation!

Praxis (PC42 profile) is the trading name of the Israeli Paytech Praxis Cashier System Ltd, located in Limassol, Cyprus. It was set up by Amit Klatchko in 2016 and has some 450 Payment Service Providers (PSP) integrated into its platform. Praxis is hiring and offers a relocation program to non-Cyprus residents.

According to the Praxis relocation program, the sunny island of Cyprus has developed into a European financial hub. Praxis’ headquarters are situated in Cyprus’ cosmopolitan city of Limassol. Thus, Praxis employees can enjoy the best of beach, business, and leisure by relocating to one of the most prominent and popular living destinations.

Praxis promises to make it easy for new employees to move to Cyprus. They care about everything, they say. From housing to immigration compliance and personalized support, Praxis will support you.

If you’re considering expanding your career in fintech and payments and looking for a fantastic quality of life, you can apply at the Praxis website here.
