Good news! We are launching our PayCom42 Rating & Review Platform!

We have been operating the PayCom42 platform in beta since the beginning of 2021 and are happy to announce our official launch. The PayCom42 mission is to build a robust and reliable rating and review platform for the CyberFinance space with its FinTechs and PayTechs. According to estimates by various experts, there are between 20,000 to 30,000 such FinTech startups worldwide (Source: Statista). In addition, there are tens of thousands of payment processors that process payments for merchants. Only a few of them are regulated and supervised by financial market regulators.

Most people know the big regulated FinTechs like Revolut, Wise, Monzo, Starling Bank, or N26 and happily use their services. Few people know the (partially) regulated Crypto FinTechs like Coinbase, Kraken, or Binance. Typically, they are supervised by regulators, rated, and reviewed on platforms like Trustpilot. However, hardly anyone knows the remaining 99% of FinTechs.

Customers of unregulated FinTech and PayTech are not protected. Their deposits are not insured, they do not receive compensation if the company collapses. Moreover, no regulator or ombudsperson feels responsible for client complaints. Unregulated FinTechs and PayTechs operate in the gray or black area. This is particularly true for the high-risk segment such as gambling or online trading. This is where PayCom42 comes in.

PayCom42 systematically screens the CyberFinance space, identifies and lists FinTechs and PayTechs, categorizes and reviews them, and rates them according to a 5-star system like Trustpilot. On the one hand, PayCom42 ratings are based on our team’s research—additionally, clients of the respective FinTechs and PayTechs as with Trustpilot.

Our PayCom42 listings are constantly updated and intended to help merchants in the B-2-B segment find acceptable payment processors and consumers in the B-2-C space in selecting companies through which they want to process financial services.

FinTechs and PayTechs can register on PayCom42 with a “Curated Listing Package” or claim an existing listing.
