Merchant Warning on Nvayo Limited

Key Data

  • Trading Name: Nvayo
  • Legal Entity: Nvayo Ltd 
  • Activities: EMI
  • Location: London, UK
  • Regulations: FCA Regulated
  • Key People: Chris Scanlon, John Christopher Jacklin, Amadeo Vicente, David Weeks

Nvayo Ltd is under scrutiny for its involvement in a network allegedly orchestrated by Chris Scanlon. The network is accused of functioning as a money transmitting business, facilitating financial transactions, including those involving cryptocurrencies, through entities like AU Card LLC. Despite claims of FCA regulation on the Club Swan website, FCA imposed restrictions on Nvayo Ltd in August 2023. Now, Nvayo Ltd requires explicit FCA approval for its activities, including fund transfers. Ongoing investigations aim to uncover potential irregularities in Nvayo Ltd’s operations within the network.

