Merchant Warning: Beware of Tilaros Limited – Potential Unlawful Activities

Dear Merchants,

We feel compelled to bring to your attention the potential risks associated with engaging with Tilaros Limited, a company registered in January 2020 under the company number HE406322 and directed by Natalia Tsiourkina.

Key Points of Concern:

  1. Lack of Transparency: Tilaros Limited operates as a payment agent within the network of online casinos and chance game schemes operated by Rabidi N.V. Despite its involvement in high-volume financial transactions, it operates without a website. This absence of a digital presence is highly unusual for a firm handling financial transactions of this nature.
  2. KYC and AML Concerns: The lack of a website raises serious questions about how Tilaros successfully navigates Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) checks. Engaging with a company that operates in such a clandestine manner may expose merchants to regulatory risks and potential legal consequences.
  3. Illegal Gaming Proceeds: Our investigations suggest that Tilaros processes illegal gaming proceeds as an unauthorized payment processor. The company’s covert operations and the absence of a digital footprint contribute to suspicions surrounding its compliance with legal and regulatory standards.
  4. Black Compliance List: In light of the information available to us, we have placed Tilaros Limited on our black compliance list. This designation serves as a warning to merchants to exercise extreme caution when considering any business dealings with this entity.


Given the concerns outlined above, we strongly advise merchants to reconsider any existing or potential relationships with Tilaros Limited. Engaging with a company that exhibits such a lack of transparency and potential involvement in unlawful activities poses significant risks to your business.

We encourage you to conduct thorough due diligence before entering into any agreements or transactions with Tilaros Limited. Additionally, we recommend seeking legal counsel to ensure compliance with relevant regulations and to protect your business from potential legal repercussions.

Your vigilance in these matters is crucial to maintaining the integrity of your business and safeguarding against unforeseen risks.

Tilaros Limited Compliance Profile
