Mastercard Launches Subscription Control Tool

Revolutionizing Subscription Management: Mastercard’s Collaborative Partnership with Subaio

In today’s digital landscape, managing subscriptions has become a challenge for consumers. With the rapid proliferation of media and entertainment subscriptions, individuals often find it difficult to keep track of recurring payments and efficiently manage their subscriptions. Recognizing this issue, Mastercard has teamed up with Subaio, a startup from its Start Path program, to revolutionize subscription management and provide individuals with a seamless solution.

Streamlining Subscription Management with Mastercard and Subaio:

Studies show that the average consumer in the United States maintains around 12 media and entertainment subscriptions, while millennials juggle an average of 17. The complex nature of managing these subscriptions calls for an innovative approach to address the pain points faced by consumers. Through their collaborative partnership, Mastercard and Subaio offer a comprehensive solution that is made available to banks across North America and Europe.

Key Benefits of the Mastercard-Subaio Solution:

By integrating Subaio’s cutting-edge technology into their mobile apps, partnering banks can provide their customers with a range of subscription management features that simplify the entire process:

  1. Subscription Control: With a centralized platform within the bank’s mobile app, users can easily view and manage their subscriptions, including hassle-free cancellation options. This empowers individuals to take control of their subscriptions effortlessly.
  2. Digital Receipts: The solution enables customers to effortlessly review digital receipts for their subscription payments, ensuring transparency and offering quick access to detailed transaction information. This feature provides users with a clear overview of their subscription expenses.
  3. Merchant Insights: By leveraging Subaio’s technology, users can gain valuable insights into the merchants associated with each subscription. This empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their ongoing subscriptions based on a better understanding of the merchants involved.

Restoring Consumer Control:

Ajay Bhalla, President of Cyber and Intelligence at Mastercard, highlights the significant role that this collaboration plays in giving power back to consumers. By offering a trusted and integrated platform for subscription management, individuals can regain direct control over their recurring payments. This not only simplifies the process of managing subscriptions but also empowers users to save money by effortlessly identifying and unsubscribing from unnecessary services.


Mastercard’s collaborative partnership with Subaio is revolutionizing subscription management by providing individuals with a streamlined and user-friendly tool. Through integration with mobile banking apps, customers can regain control over their subscriptions, access digital receipts, and gain insights into associated merchants. This groundbreaking solution aims to simplify subscription management and empower consumers to make informed decisions regarding their recurring payments. Experience the convenience and control offered by Mastercard and Subaio’s innovative solution today.
