
B2B credit card platform

Key Data

  • Trading Name: Pliant
  • Legal Entity: infinnity financial technologies GmbH
  • Activities: B2B credit card platform
  • Location: Berlin, Germany 
  • Regulations: EMI license in Finland
  • Key People: Founders: Malte Rau (Linkedin) and Fabian Terner (Linkedin)

The fintech startup’s B2B credit card platform has been designed to help firms to improve their payment procedures using physical and virtual credit cards, which can be easily incorporated into the firm’s current financial processes and software.


The company’s enterprise credit card solution prioritizes seamless integration with established business processes. Its user-friendly card management platform offers flexible card limit customization and real-time reporting. This platform effortlessly integrates with current accounting and expense management tools, streamlining these essential processes.

Pliant provides a comprehensive range of credit card options, including virtual and physical Visa cards. Customers can select from blue (Visa Platinum Business cards) and black (Visa Infinite Business cards). Importantly, these cards are distinct from prepaid or debit cards. Pliant is agnostic to bank accounts, ensuring widespread card acceptance without the need for preloading.


The platform is particularly suitable for low-risk sectors, encompassing corporations, e-commerce entities, marketing agencies, resellers, SaaS (Software as a Service) providers, and the travel industry.


In August 2023, Pliant secured an EMI license in Finland, a significant achievement that positions the company for enhanced independence and expansion of its services to a broader international market.


Founders: Malte Rau (Linkedin) and Fabian Terner (Linkedin)


Notable investors in Pliant include SBI Investors, First Momentum Ventures, Alstin Capital, MS&AD Ventures, Neosfer, and Motive Ventures.

Customer review

Trustpilot: Pliant’s performance is reflected in its Trustpilot rating, standing at an impressive 4.7 stars based on 118 reviews as of August 2023.

G2: 4,7 Stars with 13 Reviews


In August 2023, Pliant received an EMI licence in Finland.

This will make the fintech more independent of partners and enable it to offer its services in 25 countries. Only recently, the company had raised 26 million euros.


Plaint meets all the necessary criteria for a GREEN listing, as all compliance technical information are available, positive customer reviews, and a license.

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