
FCA-regulated e-Money Institution

Key Data

  • Trading Name: Paystree
  • Legal Entity: Paystree Ltd
  • Activities: FCA-regulated e-Money Institution
  • Location: London, UK
  • Regulations: Authorized by the FCA as an EMI: No.900900
  • Key People: Anselm Oskar Schmucki, Standislav Caikovsky (LinkedIn)

Paystree is the trading style of the UK-registered Paystree Ltd, an FCA-regulated e-Money Institution controlled by Swiss citizen and UAB resident Anselm Oskar Schmucki. The company may actually be based in Latvia because on LinkedIn, most of the people connected to PaysTree are in Latvia; including its CEO Standislav Caikovsky (LinkedIn).


Paystree is focused on medium to large-sized merchants, located in the United Kingdom, the European Union and the CIS countries. Their clients operate across a variety of different industries such as information technologies, sales, construction, food, and drink as well as healthcare industries.

The EMI also offers bank accounts for individuals including debit cards.

Paystree offers a total banking solution including business accounts in the UK, SEPA integration, and acquiring services.

The EMI also offers its services via agents such as Paypugs, Everyfin, Hawex Group, or Payinter.


  • monthly costs 50 -100 Eur
  • Incoming international (Non-SEPA) payment OUR 0,3% (min €25 – max €250)
  • Outgoing international (Non-SEPA) payment OUR 0,3% (min €50)


One of the FCA-registered agents of PaysTree is the Hawex Group, which is allegedly controlled by iPayTotal founder Ruchi Rathor (PR42 profile) and her team.

Therefore we rate the company in our “Red Compliance” list.

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