Crypto Exchange

P2B is a crypto exchange with operations in Ukraine, Spain, Lithuania, Estonia, Hong Kong, and St. Vincent & The Grenadines. The exchange has raised concerns due to regulatory issues, particularly its involvement with REAL-TOK, a security token listed on the RED compliance list.

Business Information:

Legal Entities:



  • Lithuania
  • Estonia (Until Jan 2021)
  • Hong Kong
  • St. Vincent & The Grenadines
  • Ukraine
  • Spain


  • Registered crypto business in Lithuania (as of the provided information)
  • Previous registration in Estonia until January 2021

Related Individuals:

Payment Processors:

  • Advcash
  • Payeer
  • MoonPay
  • Simplex


  • Trustpilot Rating: 3.2 stars with an average trust level

Compliance Rating:

  • Red (Downgraded from Orange)

Compliance Issues:

  1. Listing of REAL-TOK: The exchange listed REAL-TOK, a security token on the black compliance list, indicating potential regulatory non-compliance.
  2. Lack of Required Information: The P2B website does not provide the necessary information, and there are discrepancies in operator names, such as Smart Digital Solutions Limited, Digital One Software Limited, or Finpeaks LLC in St. Vincent & The Grenadines, without mentioning Partida UAB. This raises concerns and is considered a red flag.
  3. Regulatory Approval: Regulatory approval is likely required for the trading of security tokens like REAL-TOK. It is essential for both the token issuer and the exchange to obtain proper regulatory authorization.

Recent Website Traffic:

  • Based on Similarweb analysis, approximately 5.3 million people visited the P2B website in the last 28 days before Jan 9, 2024.


  1. Regulatory Compliance: P2B should seek regulatory approval for the listing and trading of security tokens.
  2. Transparency: Improve transparency by providing accurate and comprehensive information on the website, including legal entities and partnerships.
  3. Investor Communication: Communicate effectively with users about compliance-related matters and address concerns raised by regulatory bodies.
  4. Risk Mitigation: Take proactive measures to address compliance issues and work towards a higher compliance rating.


The lack of required information on the P2B website, discrepancies in operator names, and the absence of Partida UAB, a legal entity associated with P2B, raise red flags. Furthermore, the downgrade from Orange to Red Compliance underscores the severity of the regulatory issues at hand.

P2B’s recent website traffic indicates a significant user base, but these numbers do not alleviate the need for stringent regulatory adherence. The exchange must prioritize obtaining necessary regulatory approvals, improving transparency, and addressing discrepancies to enhance its compliance rating.

In conclusion, P2B Crypto Exchange must take immediate and comprehensive actions to rectify compliance issues, communicate effectively with users, and work towards regulatory approval to ensure a secure and trustworthy trading environment. Failure to do so may result in legal repercussions and a further erosion of trust among users and regulatory authorities.

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