IMorney Limited

Hong Kong-based payment technology provider

Key Data

  • Trading Name: IMorney
  • Legal Entity: IMorney Limited
  • Activities: Payment technology service provider
  • Location: Hong Kong 
  • Regulations: none
  • Key People: not given
IMorney is a payment technology service provider specializing in international credit card payment gateway service and providing global one-stop cross-border payment/collection solutions.


Their service includes:

  • Offline payment
  • Subscription payment
  • In-site payment
  • Mobile payment
  • 3D Payment
  • Risk control solutions


not given


Payment processor for high-risk Industries


Their website claims they have a Money Services Operators (MSO) license with the license number 19-08-02880.  However, our research showed that the number does exist, but the license belongs to WANSHENG YINGTONG FINANCIAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LIMITED. IMorney Limited is not even in the system of the issuing authority.


Nothing is known about the background persons of IMorney, and also the management team is not known.

Customer review

At the time of this review, there are no available customer reviews or testimonials for IMoney. The absence of customer feedback makes it challenging to assess the company’s reputation and the quality of their services.


Due to missing important data about their owner as well as false statements about their license and faking false data facts, we rate IMorney to BLACK and strongly advise against cooperation.

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