
Homeless crypto Exchange

Hotbit is a crypto exchange with a current total trading volume of +300 million $ and offers extensive markets and currency pairs.

Hotbit works with hot wallets with offline private keys, cold storage locations, distributed storage, global server load balancing, distributed server clusters, and the storage-based high-speed trading engine, all backed up on multiple machines.

Currently, Hotbit’s businesses cover more than 210 countries and regions.

The Hotbit platform supports six languages (Chinese, English, Russian, Korean, Thai, and Turkish), and the exchange had a total of 547 trading pairs listed, ranking #3 among all exchanges in terms of the number of types of cryptocurrency projects listed.

Hotbit has partnerships with a variety of organizations, including The Blockchainer, MyToken, and Wandarin.

Several issues surrounding Hotbit put the company in an unflattering position.

On the one hand, Hotbit comes off very badly on various rating platforms, and on the other hand, it is not exactly clear where the company has its headquarters; supposedly, Hotbit has its main office in Shanghai.

We include the company in our “Red Compliance” list as it does not provide any information on its legal entities, jurisdiction, or team.

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