GBH Coriolis Bank

Offshore Bank

Key Data

  • Trading Name: GBH Coriolis Bank
  • Legal Entity: GBH Coriolis Bancorp
  • Activities: Offshore Banking
  • Location: Nairobi, Kenya
  • Regulations: none
  • Key People: none

GBH Coriolis Bank is an international private bank that caters to the specific needs of globally mobile and digitally active citizens, their families and their businesses. It offers flexible financial services for individuals and businesses with an international presence.


They offer services such as: offshore banking, trade finance, and private banking through their platform. They also offer their private banking services like accounts, foreign exchange, loans, Concierge services, and more to individuals and businesses.


Currently Unavailable


High Risk:

Financial Services, Crypto


GBH Coriolis Bancorp has made assertions on their official website regarding their possession of a license issued by the MWALI INTERNATIONAL SERVICES AUTHORITY. However, upon diligent investigation, it has come to light that no such authoritative body exists.

Observations made by financial intelligence platform FinTelegram have brought to attention a discernible upward trajectory in the emergence of financial platforms purporting to fall under the jurisdiction of the Mwali International Services Authority (M.I.S.A.), situated on Moheli Island, a component of the Union of Comoros located in the Indian Ocean. Remarkably, two distinct websites lay claim to representing this purported financial regulatory entity. Nevertheless, it is of paramount importance to clarify that the oversight of financial affairs on the aforementioned island rests solely within the purview of the Central Bank of Comoros. As such, it is strongly advised to exercise caution when encountering entities that assert regulatory alignment with the fictitious regulator, M.I.S.A.

Consequently, it is prudent to underscore that GBH Coriolis Bancorp conducts its operations in the absence of verifiable regulatory supervision. This circumstance gives rise to reservations concerning the adequacy of compliance measures and safeguards for consumer protection that may be implemented within the organization.


GBH Coriolis Bank’s associated individuals remain largely undisclosed, and information regarding the composition of the management team remains elusive.

Customer Review

Regrettably, no customer reviews or feedback pertaining to the company have been sourced thus far.


In light of the falsified regulatory claims coupled with the absence of customer evaluations, it is deemed necessary to relegate the company to a “BLACK” rating status.

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