
Open Banking Services Provider for High Risk Merchants

 Key Data

  • Trading Name: Contiant
  • Legal Entity: Contiant Ldt 
  • Activities: Open Banking Services Provider
  • Location: Bulgaria
  • Regulations: unregulated
  • Key People: Dimitar Kostov and Ivo Dimitrov


Contiant specializes in payments initiation and account information services, aiming to provide faster, cheaper, and more secure payments than traditional credit cards. The “Payments hub” product includes sub-products like Conversion Wizard, Payments Intelligence, and Cockpit, while the “Data hub” offers real-time access to consumer bank information.


Contiant’s platform is designed to offer businesses a secure, efficient, and cost-effective way to accept payments. The cutting-edge technology ensures transactions in multiple currencies, prioritizing customer experience and data protection.


Low to High Risk: iGaming and Forex, Lending, Crypto, PSP, eCommerce, Wealth Management.


Unregulated – Contiant operates without specific regulatory oversight.

Online Reputation:

Limited online presence and absence of customer reviews make it challenging to assess Contiant’s reputation. Further transparency is needed for a comprehensive evaluation of their services.


Short Narrative

eMerchantPay is certainly no stranger to the scene of high-risk payment processors and scam facilitators. Gal Barak‘s collapsed cybercrime organization has already laundered money through it. The FCA-regulated eMerchantpay Ltd, via its eZeeWallet scheme, is a prominent payment facilitator in the online casino segment. The company’s auditor resigned in 2023 due to significant doubts about accounting and governance.

Customer Review:

As of now, there are no available customer reviews, and the web presence appears to be minimal, limiting the ability to gauge user satisfaction or concerns.


Contiant’s open banking services offer a wide range of offerings for various industries, from low to high risk. However, its lack of regulatory oversight, limited online reputation, proximity and connection to eMerchantPay and lack of customer reviews give potential users pause for thought. We therefore rate it ORANGE.

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