
Modular Payment Platform

Key Data

  • Trading Name: CentralPay 
  • Legal Entity: CentralPay SAS
  • Activities: modular payment platform
  • Location: France
  • Regulations: authorized by the Banque de France through the French Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority (CIB 17138).
  • Key People: Guillaume Ponsard (CEO & Founder), Alina Alistarh

CentralPay is a payment solution for companies and platforms, based in France. Their platform is composed of the four following elements :

  • An API REST composed of objects delivering payment services
  • A portal, back office, allowing a complete management of the overall services
  • Entities, “users profiles”, owning rights on payment accounts or electronic-money
  • subscription service allowing payment account or e-money creation integrating regulatory controls


Their platform allows costumers to accept online payments from a website, email, SMS or physical POS.

Their service includes:

  • Payment methods 
  • installment payments
  • one-click payments
  • multi-participant payments
  • subscriptions
  • Recurring payments
  • POS payment
  • Smart Push payment link
  • KYB and KYC process 
  • Escrow wallet
  • Payment wallet
  • E-money wallet


Payment Fee: 1,40 % + 0,20 EUR


Low to High Risk:

Product or service marketplaces, Financial & crowdfunding platforms, Prepaid values
acceptor networks


  • They are authorized by the Banque de France through the French Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority (CIB 17138).
  • Authorization Granted: 3 June 2019


Guillaume Maximilien Ponsard (Linkedin):

  • Date of birth: January 1974
  • CEO & Founder

Until 2019 he was a director of NORDPAY

NORDPAY Connection

Currently, trials are underway in Germany against the operators of an Israeli fraud network linked to GetFinancial. This network targeted victims by posing as representatives of the Cypriot regulator CySEC and lured them into depositing funds. Victims’ money was then diverted through FCA-regulated high-risk payment processors, including NordPay Financial Ltd., a company related to CentralPay founder and CEO Guillaume Ponsard. NordPay collapsed in April 2021 after internal conflicts among its founders.

CentralPay, initially listed as a NordPay trading name by the FCA, is currently managed by the French entity CentralPay, founded by Ponsard. NordPay’s administrator report noted Ponsard’s departure in November 2019. He sold his shares to the Advcash Group. This led to account cancellations at NordPay, potentially in favor of CentralPay. CentralPay obtained its EMI license in June 2019.

Customer review

Trustpilot: 4,4 Stars with 44 Reviews


In light of their affiliation with NordPay and the related fraudulent activities, we assign a RED rating to Centrally and strongly advise exercising caution when considering any form of engagement with them.

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