
Digital Payment Solution

 Key Data

  • Trading Name: AltPayNet
  • Legal Entity: AltPayNet Europe Limited/AltPayNet Inc./AltPayNet Limited/AltPayNet Corp.
  • Activities: Digital Payment Solution
  • Location: Manila, Philippines
  • Regulations: not given
  • Key People: not given
  • PCI DSS Level: 1

AltPayNet is a global digital payment solutions provider specializing in a wide range of services tailored for various industries. They offer solutions for online payments, emphasizing security, efficiency, and scalability.


AltPayNet offers a diverse range of digital payment solutions, focusing on secure, scalable, and efficient transaction processing.

Their key offerings include:

  • Software as a Service (SaaS): Whitelabel mobile and web applications.
  • Third-Party Payment Processing: Access to multiple global payment methods.
  • Cybersecurity Solutions: Secure and compliant payment channels.
  • Fraud and Risk Management: Enhanced protection for online transactions.
  • Payment Gateway Technology: Connectivity to global payment services.
  • Mobile Banking Solutions: On-the-go payment solutions.
  • Remittance Solutions: Cost-effective cross-border transactions.

Customer Review

It appears that there are issues accessing specific customer review pages for AltPayNet from major review platforms such as Indeed and Glassdoor. Here’s what is generally known from available summaries and snippets:

  1. Glassdoor Reviews:
    • AltPayNet has a few reviews on Glassdoor, mostly from employees.
    • Common themes include a challenging work environment with interesting projects, though there are occasional criticisms of IT management and operational practices.
  2. Indeed Reviews:
    • Reviews on Indeed highlight a good work-life balance due to flexible attendance policies.
    • Some reviews mention challenges with management practices, specifically in the IT department.

Serving Industries

AltPayNet serves a wide range of industries, including e-commerce, retail, travel and hospitality, gaming, financial services, and more.


AltPayNet does not provide specific information about the financial regulators they are governed by on their website or in publicly available information. While they offer comprehensive digital payment solutions and adhere to strict security standards such as PCI DSS Level 1 certification, there are no concrete details regarding oversight by financial regulatory authorities.

Key People

  • ERNIE DONDON VACAL Shareholder

Paradise Papers

The Paradise Papers reveal that AltPayNet, a leading digital payment solutions provider based in Manila, Philippines, and its shareholder Ernie Dondon Vacal, are involved in offshore financial activities. While offshore accounts are legal, they raise ethical concerns about tax practices. AltPayNet has not yet commented on these findings. The revelations underscore the need for transparency and stricter financial regulations.

Conclusion and Rating

Due to the recent revelations from the Paradise Papers, AltPayNet and its shareholder Ernie Dondon Vacal are implicated in offshore financial activities, raising ethical concerns. Additionally, AltPayNet’s failure to provide information about their financial regulatory licenses, key management personnel, and lack of customer reviews contribute to serious compliance concerns.

As a result, we are downgrading AltPayNet to a red status and issuing a cautionary compliance report. These factors collectively indicate significant risks and shortcomings in transparency, regulatory adherence, and corporate governance.

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