Monitox UK

Key Data

  • Trading Name: Monitox
  • Legal Entity: Monitox Limited
  • Activities: Payment Institution
  • Location: UK
  • Regulations: authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Electronic Money Regulations 2011 (Firm Reference 901012).
  • Key People: Mr Maksim Asanov(Linkedin)

Monitox is a global payment solutions provider that specialises in BIN Sponsorship Issuing of Card Programs. They collaborate with wholesale financial institutions, enterprises, and small and medium-sized businesses within the UK and Europe

In 2021 Monitox Ltd had total assets of 314,192.00 GBP, Monitox Ltd generated net income of -8,251.00 GBP, due


Monitox Ltd is an electronic money institution focused on providing payment solutions. Monitox Ltd offers personal accounts, business accounts, BIN sponsorship, card issuing, banking as a service to individuals, companie

Their service includes:

  • E-Banking & E- Wallets
  • Virtual Corporate Accounts
  • BIN Sponsorship & Card Issuing Services

Papel Connection

Monitox is controlled by Estonian Maksim Asanov.

Whistleblower informed Fintelegram that Monitox is connected to the “new” Papel Group. We can neither confirm nor deny this.


not given

Customer review

3.1 Stars at


We could not detect any irregularities around Monitix and therefore upgrade it to GREEN.

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