Israeli Lawyer Guy Yuval And His Opal Payments Scheme!

FinTelegram recently brought an update on the Tradorax case, a huge binary options scam. The two main perpetrators, Avi Itzkovich and James Henry “Jack” Wygodzki were arrested and have been on trial in Germany since October 2022. While in pre-trial custody in Germany, Wygodzki filed a lawsuit against his former Israeli lawyer Guy Yuval alleging that he stole about 2,300 Bitcoins (currently worth $53M) from him. Together with Zvi Appel, Yuval runs Opal, a payment processor in Singapore.

Guy Yuval and his payment processor Opal

Short Narrative

Opal should not be particularly active. The Similarweb data for January 2023 shows that very few people visited the website. Over the last few months, the number of visitors to the Opal website has been steadily decreasing and shows zero in December 2023.

Cyber rating agency PayRate42 has placed Opal on its Orange Compliance list.

FinTelegram was informed on Twitter that Guy Yuval would have used Opal to launder the 2,300 Bitcoins he allegedly stole. We cannot confirm or falsify this information at this time and request that you provide us with additional information.

We rate Opal on our Orange Compliance List 

