Consumer Alert: Fake Reviews Detected for Binance on Trustpilot

Fake Reviews Warning

As reported by FinTelegram, Trustpilot has suspended ratings for Binance ( due to the detection and removal of a significant number of fake reviews. This type of deceptive practice raises serious legal and ethical concerns:

  1. Violation of consumer protection laws: Fake reviews likely violate Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines, which require reviews to be honest and based on actual experiences. The U.S. FTC considers fake reviews a form of deceptive advertising.
  2. Potential for legal action: Companies using fake reviews may face lawsuits, fines, and reputational damage. Consumers deceived by fake reviews could potentially pursue legal claims for false advertising.
  3. Criminal implications: In some cases, fake review schemes have led to criminal charges such as fraud and conspiracy.
  4. Erosion of consumer trust: Research shows 68% of consumers would no longer visit a business if they learned it received incentivized reviews.
  5. Unfair competition: Fake reviews create an uneven playing field, disadvantaging businesses that earn legitimate positive reviews.

Consumers should be aware that the presence of fake reviews may indicate broader issues with a company’s practices. Exercise caution and seek information from multiple sources before making financial decisions involving Binance or similar platforms. Trustpilot and other review platforms are taking steps to combat fake reviews, including placing consumer alerts on company profiles where substantial fraud is detected. These measures aim to protect the integrity of online reviews and maintain consumer trust.

Red Flags Maintained

On PayRate42, we have had Binance on the Red Compliance and Red Risk lists for several months due to various problems with regulators and prosecutors, and we warn customers against what is still the world’s largest crypto exchange. We maintain this negative view in light of the fake reviews.
