Whistleblower Request for Information on Gateway-Provider.com and Associated Payment Domains!

In recent years, the segment of high-risk payment processors has gained significant importance, driven by the explosive growth of the crypto sector. High-risk merchants and illegal businesses are increasingly utilizing crypto payment options. Our research is therefore centered on the high-risk payment segment. In the analysis of global high-risk payment traffic, we identified the domain Gateway-Provider.com as a key player. The domain operators are unknown, thus we ask for whistleblower support.

Our analysis, utilizing tools such as Semrush and Websimilar, indicates that Gateway-Provider.com is interconnected with several other domains engaged in high-risk payment transactions. For example:

  • Repayfor.com: This domain is linked to Gateway-Provider.com and operates via the subdomain Pay.Repayfor.com to route payment transactions. The offshore broker Pocketoption uses it to process customer deposits.
  • Anypay.uk: Another domain linked to Gateway-Provider.com, Anypay.uk is employed in the online casino and gambling sector for payment processing.
  • OMNO: Based in Tbilisi, Georgia, OMNO is a new payment processor that provides minimal information about its operators. 
  • Semoco: Gateway-Provider.com is also utilized by Semoco, a Canadian-registered MSB involved in high-risk payment processing.
  • PaymentIQ.io: This domain, a payment aggregator in the high-risk sector, is part of the Bambora Group and is connected to Gateway-Provider.com.
  • Zen.com: Licensed as a financial institution in Lithuania, Zen.com is significantly involved with Gateway-Provider.com. Between 45% and 63% of outbound traffic from Gateway-Provider.com is directed to Cardauth.Zen.com, indicating card transactions from high-risk merchants processed by Zen.com.

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Given these findings, we are seeking more detailed information about the operators behind Gateway-Provider.com and its associated payment domains such as Repayfor.com and Anypay.uk, which are pivotal in the high-risk payment processing ecosystem.

If you have any information that could shed light on the operators and operations of these domains, we kindly request that you share it with us through your whistleblower system, Whistle42. Your assistance in uncovering the entities behind these high-risk payment processors would be invaluable in our ongoing efforts to ensure transparency and accountability in this sector.

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